Friday, April 18, 2008

No More War

Bev and I have really taken a liking to Eddie Vedder recently. His soundtrack for Into the Wild has been on constant repeat in the Blair household...during cocktails, during dinner, during short drives in the Jeep. Love the lyrics, love the haunting music. Take my word for's just about the best 30 minutes of music you can imagine. I really can't remember a time when a soundtrack fit a movie so closely (we absolutely loved the movie too, by the way, and librarian Bev also recommends the book). Anyway, I noticed on iTunes the other day that they're selling a "deluxe" version of the soundtrack which contains a couple of anti-war songs which Eddie Vedder has been playing on his solo tour. They're awesome songs, so this should give you even more incentive to buy it. My favorite song is "No More", which also appears in the soundtrack for Body of War. Very powerful song, and this movie looks very good also. Check it out below:

"Nothing's too good for a veteran, yeah this is what they say / So nothing is what they will get in this new American way."

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