Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Brothers Behaving Badly

Banks and I were pretty straight arrows growing up. We never did anything overly devious or dangerous as far as I know. Banks bogarted some chocolate from other people's Easter baskets. I broke some decorative plates and blamed it on the cat. Typical boy stuff. Of course, there was also that snowy winter night we aided and abetted a certain somebody as he borrowed firewood from a neighbor. But we had our reasons for that, I assure you. The power was out, we were freezing, they had a generator. It was a real Marxist revolution.

Anyway, it looks like there are some great movies either in the theaters (Sidney Lumet's "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead")

or coming soon (Woody Allen's "Cassandra's Dream")

that feature brothers behaving badly. Maybe Banks and I could see them and get some ideas before we embark on our life of crime. There's no doubt we'd bungle the crimes, so the only questions remaining are: Who's Ethan Hawke and who's Philip Seymour Hoffman? Who's Ewan McGregor and who's Colin Farrell?

1 comment:

The Girl said...

umm, I can't speak for the rest of the ladies, but I'd prefer if you guys stick to pretending to be just ethan and philip....I'd really like to continue lusting after Ewan and Colin.